Sunday, November 23, 2014


The cornerback (CB) is one of my favorite positions because it was one of the positions I played. Also I had a lot fun playing it. The CB has the job of guarding either a man (receiver) or a zone (a specific part of the field). There is going to be a zone coverage post coming soon to further explain.

The main goal of a CB is to guard a receiver by not letting them catch the ball by all means. Most of the time they play one on one against receivers but sometimes they get help from the safety. To start the play the CB has two options; either press coverage (play on the ball) to try to stop the receiver or play off the ball so they don't get beat with a deep pass. To play CB you have to be strong, quick, flexible, agile, aggressive, and smart.

Good corners have to have good technique! The stance before the play is very important especially in press coverage because if the CB is not balanced then they will get knocked down and beat off the ball.

Here is a simple example of an average play for a cornerback:

Line up over the top of the receiver about 5 to 7 yards off the ball in a good stance. When the ball is snapped, back peddle until the receiver gets to you or breaks on their route, when they get to you turn your hips and run with them. When they make a cut or a break on their route break with them so you can defend them, then look for the ball. If the ball is coming try to swat it down, catch it, or hit the receivers hands so they don't catch it.

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